Grabngo Concessions Chicken Empanada
One of the few recipes Grabngo Concessions can be braggadocios about is the famous Chicken Empanada, made daily with real fresh chicken, blended onions, garlic, peppers, parsley celery and a few secret ingredients added to perfection the daily sales leaves no room for shelf life which in turn leaves out the preservatives.
How many Chicken Empandas are sold by Grabngo Concessions?
On a daily basis 200 Chicken Empanadas are made and sold within hours, as the demand for the chicken empanadas increases an assembly line is being constructed to produce more chicken empanadas to customers in bulk between 5 to 10 per box.
Restaurant demands of the Grabngo Concession Chicken Empanadas
Restaurants must abide by our rules to keep all chicken empanadas made by Grabngo Concessions to keep all chicken empanadas frozen and discard after the due date. Only Natural ingredients are added excluding salt or any type of msg or sodium. Thawing the chicken empanadas from from frozen should in a refrigerated area.
Grabngo Concessions food truck event catering
Located in Orlando Florida 32818
