An overview of Haitian Fritaille (Fritay)
Haitian fritay/Fritaille as most of us know is a mixture of French and African culture cuisine. One of Haitians favorite dish or staple is called Fritaille (fritay), sort a kinda translate into fritters when you break the word down it really means fried foods. Served on streets sides and back allies of Haiti, mainly in the afternoons, some may consider super or the last meal of the day.

Just what is Haitian Fritaille
A mixture of different provisions such as Dasheen yam, some may call Malanga grated into fine particles spiced and fried into what is called ACRA, AKRA OR ACCRA, Marinad- Is a batter of flour mixed with different spices and also fried into shape looking like Italian Zeppoli, Griot-is fried pork like chi Charon in Spanish, Banane or banane pese/Peze is fried Plantain fried twice smashed into shape.
Patate Frit- Are sweet potatoes also fried after a thin slice a la rondelle (in circles) fried into a brown crisp of deliciousness-Lame veritab or bread fruit is also fried the same way, all are served with Pikliz/picklese which is made up Carrots and cabbage flavored a certain way adding vinegar to enhance the taste.
Haitian fritay is not limited to what youv’e just read above, one can choose their own choice of meats from goat, beef, Pork, Chicken, turkey even to create a Haitian Fritaille recipe in my opinion the only thing that remains the same would be the pikliz.
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